Year 2017
July 2017

Knowledge Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SACE?
SACE stands for Singapore Association for Continuing Education. Established in 1979, SACE promotes a culture of Lifelong Learning, Spirit of Volunteerism and Active Ageing for Adults, through Education and Enrichment, Physical Well-Being, Fellowship, Volunteering and Community Engagement.
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What is U3A Singapore?
U3A stands for University of Third Age. Established in 2014 by SACE, U3A Singapore is part of an international movement whose aims are the education and mental stimulation of members 50 years and older. Members share intellectual, cultural, creative, physical and leisure interests.

What is the difference between SACE and U3A Singapore?
SACE provides structured courses for adults of all ages. U3A Singapore, a social good of SACE, provides periodic learning and social activities for Seniors 50 years and older.

What is the fee for joining SACE?
1 year Membership = $50 entrance fee + $30 membership fee = $80
5 year Membership = $50 entrance fee + $100 membership fee = $150

How do I apply for membership?
Application for SACE membership is made using prescribed SACE Membership Application Form. SACE members 50 years and older automatically qualify as members of U3A Singapore. The form is available online.

When does my membership commence and expire?
Membership commence on the day the membership fee is received and expires on the last day of the following month of the following year for 1-year membership and on the fifth year for 5-year membership.

What are the benefits of SACE membership?
Key benefits include friendship and joint activities with like-minded people committed to continuing education, self-development and life enrichment; discounted course fees and member subsidies for attending SACE courses; monthly newsletters, insightful Forums, Talks and activities;  via email; opportunities to initiate, participate and volunteer for social good projects and activities; fellowship and social activities including Rummikub game sessions, Karaoke singalongs, Foodie outings, holiday trips, Annual Dinner & Dance; access to SACE  Activity Centre located in Peninsula Plaza, Unit 07-05/06.

What is happening at SACE Activity Centre?
Located at Unit 07-05/06 Peninsula Plaza, activities include Open House where members bring friends for coffee chats and play Rummikub; Insightful Forums and Activities including course previews; Film Club discussions; Karaoke Singalong; Courses; Course Alumni Meetings; etc.  Email or call Secretariat for enquiries, membership and course registration.